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sesderma C-VIT moisturizing facial cream

sesderma C-VIT moisturizing facial cream

Regular price 49.950 JOD
Regular price Sale price 49.950 JOD
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Highly antioxidant, anti-wrinkles and brightening gel cream which restores vitality and brings a natural glow to your skin.

On your skin, Vitamin C transforms into light. And, thanks to nanotechnology, it provides maximum effectiveness and protection against anti-free radicals.


  1. Cleanse and balance your skin. With Sensyses CLEANSER Lightening if you like cleansing solutions and cotton pads, or with Hidraven foamy cream if you prefer water-based cleansing.
  2. Then, apply C-Vit liposomal serum or your regular serum.
  3. Apply a small amount of C-Vit Moisturising Facial Cream with a soft massage and extend evenly on face, neck and cleavage. You can use it both in the morning and at night.
  4. And don’t forget to use sunscreen!

كريم جل مضاد للأكسدة ومضاد للتجاعيد ومفتح للغاية يعيد الحيوية ويجلب توهجًا طبيعيًا لبشرتك.

على بشرتك، يتحول فيتامين سي إلى ضوء. وبفضل تقنية النانو، فإنه يوفر أقصى قدر من الفعالية والحماية ضد الجذور الحرة.

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ولا تنسي استخدام واقي الشمس!

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